Dr. Swati Gautam

PhD M.A, B.Ed, Diploma in storytelling from Emerson College, U.K

Published Work – Research Paper in the Book – Learning Community of Reflective Practitioner edited by Dr. Neeraja Raghavan

Teacher Plus – Team Teaching: a true account Link :- https://www.teacherplus.org/team-teaching-a-true-account

Sahyadri provides me with a place of immense natural beauty, where being close to nature gives me strength and inspiration. I see it as a tremendous opportunity to connect with children and explore different approaches to teaching and assessment. Without the pressure of a fixed and strenuous syllabus, it allows children to explore themselves as they learn various academic subjects. Teaching children is my passion, and I feel deeply connected to nature when I’m with them. Each time I step into the classroom, I cherish those 40 minutes as invaluable moments in our lives. I feel blessed to have this opportunity and strive to engage everyone in discovering something new. In my language classes, I prioritize fostering self-awareness, empathy, and gratitude. I believe these qualities are crucial for human development and contribute to a more compassionate society.